Looking to volunteer? Join us at Parents League!
Parents League empowers families by providing advisory services and parenting resources through partnerships with schools and educational providers. Founded in 1913 as a coalition of families and schools, we offer a warm community in which to learn and contribute. Volunteerism has been a mainstay of the Parent League experience throughout its history. We hope you will consider joining our community of parents and caregivers, as we work to make parenting a little bit easier.
Most volunteer roles require technology skills, including facility with Google Suite. We look for volunteers with a willingness to learn, time to dedicate and a belief in excellence. Fill out our Volunteer Inquiry Form to get started.

Volunteer Positions
Volunteer Coordinator (currently filled)
- Lead (3) three volunteer meetings a year (coordinated with council meetings)
- Work with staff to pursue, match and assign volunteer roles
- Communicate and coordinate volunteer opportunities across individual events, including school panels, fairs and receptions, and ongoing projects throughout the year
- Collaborate and coordinate with PLNY Team and provide progress updates on volunteers and their projects
- Send end-of-year evaluation to volunteer participants
School Auction Coordinator
- Conduct outreach to schools for a donation to their school community auctions
- Manage and track individual school auction requests via email
- Identify and track auction winners by school community auction
- Confirm and record activation(s) of membership(s) by school and auction winner
- Coordinate the transfer of information to PLNY Business Manager, periodically where needed
Special Events Assistant
- Help plan and manage programming for volunteer/council meetings (three times a year), including being on-site as needed
- Help plan for the annual Spring Reception for schools in May, including helping to locate the venue and providing onsite support as needed
- Coordinate and collaborate with PLNY Events Coordinator, where needed
Advertising Assistant (Summer)
- Soliciting advertisers for our print (and possibly digital) publications including schools, family-focused organizations and businesses, educational entities and other vendors
- Affirm artwork parameters are met and contracts are received
- Confirm and track advertiser files, contracts, and history
- Coordinate and collaborate with PLNY Business Manager and Dir of Technology and Communications, where needed
Sponsorship Assistant(s)
- Solicit sponsorship(s) and underwriting for up to five (5) annual school fairs including, family-focused organizations and business, educational and health entities and other vendors, including corporate support if possible
- Review and confirm sponsor contract, payment, and related digital artwork or other communication materials are received in a timely manner
- Maintain and track sponsor history
- Coordinate with Events Coordinator, Business Manager & Executive Director, where needed
School Representative Coordinator (currently filled)
- Lead an annual meeting of PLNY member schools’ parent representatives
- Send Monthly email updates to all school representatives sharing relevant information about PLNY events and activities
- Field questions about school representative roles and responsibilities
- Collaborate and coordinate with Volunteer Coordinator
Preschool or Toddler Guide Assistant
- Conduct outreach to schools to confirm listing information
- Tracking progress of confirmations
- Enter new or changed school information into database
- Collaborate and coordinate with Database Manager and Director of Technology and Communications, where needed
Preschool or Toddler Guide Proofreader
- Assist with proofreading draft versions of the Guide to Preschools or Let’s Play prior to printing
- Ability to collaborate with others to meet established deadlines
- Review and confirm important preschool information including school contact information, location, fees and URL
- Collaborate and coordinate with the database manager and Director of Technology and Communications, where needed
Review Editorial Assistant(s) (3)
- Assist with identifying and soliciting potential authors for inclusion in the Parents League Review, our annual journal about parenting and education
- Establish and maintain contact with individual author(s) throughout the author cycle and editorial process; including organizing drafts using Google Docs (utilizing track changes, comments).
- Ability to impart author guidelines and answer questions that may arise regarding article length, style, and topic specificity
- Ability to carefully proofread all author’s documentation with attention to detail including grammar, syntax, spelling, and style prior to sending article(s) to the proofreading stage
Review Proofreader
- Ability to proofread multiple drafts (individual and full journal) of the Parents League Review, our annual journal about parenting and education
- Ability to collaborate with others to meet established deadlines
- Coordinate and collaborate with PLNY Review editors to assure quality of publication and adherence to style guidelines for length, style and topic specificity
Interested? Fill out our Volunteer Inquiry Form to get started.