Thu, January 20, 2022

Covid Testing in Schools: What’s New?

With the New Year upon us and infection rates beginning to stabilize, independent schools around the New York area continue to diligently implement a variety of testing protocols, including PCR and rapid style testing regimens. As schools aim to keep students in classrooms and all community members safe, you may be asked to test your child at home, provide testing results after a school break or show proof of wellness after an exposure or illness. To help you along, Parents League highlights information that you and your family can use today if a trusted family pediatrician is unavailable. Order free COVID tests and locate testing sites in the NYC area.

Order FREE at home Covid-19 tests!

Every household is eligible to receive 4 free at-home, Covid-19 tests. These rapid style, self-administered tests are available through

Here’s a list of covid testing sites with quick turn around when heading back to school is essential!

LabQMobile testing sites located throughout the five boroughs

NYC Health and HospitalsMobile testing sites located throughout the five boroughs

Sameday HealthLocations in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Housecalls are available

NY Covid Test A testing professional will come to your location

CarecubeMultiple locations across Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and the Bronx. Home testing is also available.

Disclaimer: Parents League of New York reminds its valued readers that it is not responsible for the accuracy and efficacy of the services listed above and offers no warranty of any kind, express or implied. We recommend you make direct contact with these testing providers for further information.

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